Backpack Cooking: Outdoor Cooking for the Adventure Traveler is the definitive mealtime guide for the long distance hiker, touring cyclist or any traveler living out of their backpack or panniers.
This guide will help you prepare simple, cheap and delicious meals, each loaded with the calories your body needs to make it to your next resupply, and specifically designed for easy preparation with readily accessible ingredients.
These aren't complicated recipes requiring a multitude of ingredients or excessive pots and pans — things no thru hiker would have room for in their pack. In fact, most recipes and meal ideas can be prepared in a single cup or pot, even a freezer bag or thermos if you choose!
So whether you are setting out on your first thru hike or gearing up for yet another long-distance bicycle tour, be sure to get the most out of your adventure by preparing tasty meals on any budget.
Or get the paperback version of Backpack Cooking here.
Simply one of the best books I have read on backpacking food and cooking. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a great resource for ideas. - Flash Gordon
A quick read packed with first hand experience. This author relies heavily on pre packaged and processed foods, but has very practical and creative advice about eating on the trail. There are many ideas here I hadn't considered or seen elsewhere. I am planning a though hike next year and gained several specific tips from this book that will be helpful to me as I do that. - Talitha Hunt
While it is not a "cookbook", as it doesn't really have many recopies, It does have A LOT of good tips and tricks. This will always be a great go to book. - Mary J. Rodgers