Happy Birthday!
- Real Value: 0.0201132 XLM
- Melt Value: 0.0402263 XLM
- Total Supply: 548,691 XH5
- Account Balance: 22,071.8357896 XLM
Hello Friends,
The XH5 token is now over One Year Old!
In its first year, the supply has been reduced from 1,827,000 XH5 down to 548,691 XH5, and it has simultaneously grown from having less than 5,000 XLM on deposit to the current 22,000+ XLM.
2,000 XLM were donated to the XH5 account over the course of the last month alone.
Also, since the initiation of the Buyback Program 4,800 XLM were used to purchase XH5 from the market, with the XH5 account managing to recapture over 5% of the Total Supply.
While the buyback purchases will continue for the two years of the Growth Phase, July 2020 – July 2022, it is important to remember that the funds put aside for that purpose do diminish over time. Replenishment of the Buyback Program is not guaranteed.
Speaking of which there will be some changes in the frequency of the buybacks after New Year’s. The Buyback Program will most likely switch from a daily to a weekly schedule. And even that could be erratic. This is due to my plan to finally complete the Triple Crown of hiking over the next two years.
Starting in 2021 I will be thru-hiking the Continental Divide Trail, and in 2022 I will be thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. Though I have hiked sections of each trail I have not completed end-to-end hikes, and this is something that I would like to accomplish while I have the opportunity.
After what seems like an entire 2020 spent indoors, I cannot wait to get outside again.
Life is Your Adventure, Live Your Dreams,