Heading West
- Real Value: 0.0230753 XLM*
- Melt Value: 0.0340725 XLM
- Total Supply: 548,691 XH5
- Account Balance: 18,695.2854139 XLM
Hello friends,
There are really only two things to mention this month. First, that I finished the Florida Trail, and second, the stablecoin Centus crashed.
Centus was a stablecoin pegged to the US penny that I started adding to the XH5 account a year ago. At the time of its demise there were still 70,000 Centus that had to be sold at a loss, representing a significant setback for the XH5 account. Despite this setback, the Real Value purchase order for all outstanding XH5 tokens was not lowered. Unfortunately this loss erased the six month advance donation that I made before heading out, and a little extra. Sadly I won’t be able to make another donation until the one planned for X-Day, July 20th.
That means for the next few months the XH5 account will not see any significant growth since all growth comes from my personal donations. But I am always willing to buy back the XH5 tokens that I have already given out.
Speaking of which, I still have not been able to give away any XH5 tokens to interested people while hiking, despite the offer of 1,000 XH5 for anyone I meet in person. My personal efforts at promoting Stellar adoption seem to be falling short. So much so that I find myself hesitating to mention the benefits of Stellar over Ethereum when most people don’t yet know about Bitcoin. Then there’s the smart contract argument even if they understand the benefits of ethereum over bitcoin…
Because we are so early in the cryptocurrency experiment, and because it has been impossible to give away free tokens in person, I am suspending the offer for free XH5. (At least for 1,000 XH5, that seems like a lot at this point) Instead, my personal XH5 account donations will be used to support the repurchase of XH5 tokens that have already been distributed. That means that the airdrop recipients will become the major beneficiaries of my regular donations to the XH5 account.
Now that I have finished the Florida Trail I am exploring the Gulf Coast of Texas looking for beaches and barbecue. If anyone has any recommendations I’d love to hear them.
Life is Your Adventure, Live Your Dreams